DAHLONEGA, Ga. – In 2013 Richard & Andrew Snoby located Snoby Separation Systems LLC (SSS) to Lumpkin County. They have made a name for themselves with mining companies, mineral processors, waste ore recovery operators, and recyclers through the development and improvement of proprietary equipment such as Jigs and Teeter Bed Separators. Their primary market is North America, but products are shipped worldwide from their Lumpkin facilities.
Within a year of starting SSS, Richard and Andrew established another company in joint venture with SMT-Stichweh Machinen und Service GmbH. The new company is Stichweh, LLC. SMT-Stichweh celebrated its 100th year anniversary in 2009. It is headquartered in the Northern German town of Saltzhammerdorf. They are a recognized world leader in mineral processing equipment, including dewatering bucket wheels and drag scrapers. Drag scrapers use a drag bucket to recover ore from above or below the water table and produce multiple sizes of material in a single unit operation.
The two companies work seamlessly together selling engineered equipment and plants to a similar customer base. Both Snoby and Stichweh offer laboratory and pilot testing, circuit design, plant layouts and plant start up assistance. They also offer plant and equipment leasing and operating services. The equipment used by local miners to concentrate their gold ore is based on the same physics as the machines sold by Snoby and Stichweh. For that matter it is the same as the equipment and processes that Agricola wrote about in his book De Re Metallica, which was initially published in the 1500’s.
Snoby Separation Systems LLC and Stichweh, LLC are continuously developing technically unique solutions for the mineral process and recycling industries. The Development Authority of Lumpkin County appreciates their economic investment, corporate responsibility, and workforce development in Lumpkin County!
For more information, http://www.snobyllc.com/home.html

855-766-9233, press #1
770-596-3344, cell phone
Richard Snoby, President
Email: rsnoby@snobyllc.com
216 Chestatee Industrial Park Dr
Dahlonega, GA 30533