Yahoola Creek Reservoir Committee Hosts Kick-Off Meeting for Reservoir Master Plan

DAHLONEGA, Ga. – The Yahoola Creek Reservoir Committee and Lose Design held a public engagement session to kick-off the Yahoola Creek Reservoir Master Plan project this past Thursday, February 6, 2020.

The format for this meeting was hands-on and interactive. There were five stations that included a sign-in sheet, site characteristics and mapping, facility and programming, funding priorities, and written comments.

The interactive process allowed Lose Design to hear concerns and apprehensions along with ideas and insights. Attendees were asked to make comments directly on maps and provide insight on topics such as plant flora and fauna, usage and activity, safety, and visual interests. The funding exercise station was designed to put the public in the seat of the decision maker. There is only a finite amount of funding, so this exercise allowed the public to express where they wanted to prioritize spending. Funding topics included cultural facilities, sports facilities, passive recreation, water recreation, overnight facilities, adventure, and maintenance.

Lastly, the written comment station allowed the public an opportunity to express any thoughts that did not directly fit within the stations, or provide feedback a participant may not have been comfortable expressing out-loud.

The Development Authority of Lumpkin County, Yahoola Creek Reservoir Committee, and Lumpkin County Government appreciate everyone who attended the engagement session. There will be additional public input opportunities throughout the master planning process, as well as an online survey. Updates on the project will be shared through the Development Authority of Lumpkin County’s Facebook page, and published in the Dahlonega Nugget.

For more information contact the Development Authority of Lumpkin County:, 706-482-2648