The Development Authority of Lumpkin County’s mission is to enrich local employment, the county tax base, and business opportunity while honoring the history, natural beauty, and character of Lumpkin County. The Authority cannot accomplish this mission without Lumpkin County leadership, businesses, partners, and stakeholders.
Committed to the Growth
The Development Authority of Lumpkin County continues to be committed to Business Recruitment, Retention, & Expansion; Workforce Development; and Special Projects that drive investment and create quality jobs in Lumpkin County.
Thank You to the Businesses
The Development Authority greatly appreciates all of the businesses in Lumpkin County and the capital investment, community involvement, employment, and support they provide to our community!
Information included in this report is from January 2021 through the end of November 2021. The final publication for 2021 will be available the first quarter of 2022.