DAHLONEGA, Ga. – On January 4, 2024 the Development Authority of Lumpkin County (DALC) and the Dahlonega Downtown Development Authority (DDA) hosted the Dahlonega-Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Lumpkin County (LLC) Economic Development Day at the JTEKT North America plant here in Lumpkin County.
The group of 28 participants started the day off with the fundamentals of economic development and community profiles of Lumpkin County, and the City of Dahlonega.
“Lumpkin Leadership is an amazing program that offers even ‘nuggets’ a new perspective and a deeper understanding of our community,” said LLC Chair Deb Thompson. “Economic Development Day is key to that increased understanding.”
This year’s MythBusters Panel included Lumpkin County Chairman, Chris Dockery; Lumpkin County Community and Economic Development Director, Rebecca Mincey; Ariel Alexander, Main Street Manager with City of Dahlonega; and City of Dahlonega Councilman Ryan Reagin.

The day also included a Workforce Development Panel with workforce partners Bobbi Larson, Director of Economic Development and Community Engagement at the University of North Georgia; Kerri Whitmire, Director of Student Services at the Lumpkin County Board of Education and Troy Lindsey, Dawson Campus Dean at Lanier Technical College. These partners shared how they each work together with the Development Authority of Lumpkin County, local businesses, and other community partners to prepare students for careers in Lumpkin County and the region.
“Witnessing the diversity of industries and the collaborative effort involved in bringing new businesses to our community is eye-opening for the class,” said Thompson. “It provides them with a much greater appreciation for all those who make our local economic engine run.”

The group ended the day touring two local manufacturers, JTEKT North America and Big Creek Distilling Company. Both companies contribute to Lumpkin County through capital investment, corporate responsibility, and workforce development. A very special thank you to JTEKT North America and Big Creek Distilling Company for taking the time to share details about your operations here in Lumpkin County!

To learn more about Leadership Lumpkin County, please visit: https://www.dlcchamber.org/leadership-lumpkin/.