DAHLONEGA, Ga. – Lumpkin County Government and the Development Authority of Lumpkin County are pleased to announce a partnership with Yahoola Outdoors for trail maintenance on the existing 3.1-mile trail at the Yahoola Creek Reservoir. The first community Volunteer Work Day is scheduled for Sunday, May 23, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
“Lumpkin County Government is excited to partner with Yahoola Outdoors,” said Lumpkin County Board of Commissioner Chairman Chris Dockery. “Improving the existing trail was a top priority of constituents during the Yahoola Creek Reservoir master planning process. Partnering with Yahoola Outdoors helps us to begin this request and allows people an opportunity to be directly involved.”
The use of the hiking trail at the Yahoola Creek Reservoir continues to grow in popularity. This maintenance project will address trail erosion and steep grades, and will develop alternative routes that will be more accessible for users.
“We look forward to supporting a more organized approach to trail maintenance at the Yahoola Creek Reservoir,” said Yahoola Outdoors President & Dahlonega Trail Fest Chairman Tom Lamb. “Volunteers with a variety of experience can get involved because everyone will receive training in safety and in the proper trail building techniques.”
In addition to the May 23 Volunteer Work Day, the National Trail Day Celebration is scheduled for June 5 and future volunteer work days will be announced. These upcoming events and activities will allow a broad range of Lumpkin County citizens to get involved in improving this recreation amenity for the community.
Individuals interested in registering for a work day should sign up in advance through the online portal, http://yahoola.org/zwerner.html.
To review the entire Yahoola Creek Reservoir Master Plan visit, https://picklumpkincounty.org/reservoir-master-planning/.
For other general inquiries call, 706.482.2648.

The Development Authority of Lumpkin County’s mission is to enrich local employment, the county tax base, and business opportunities while honoring the community’s history, natural beauty, and character. By Visiting, Acknowledging, Listening, Utilizing, and Engaging, the Authority’s VALUE Program connects businesses with resources designed to help grow operations, increase sales, identify new markets, and engage the community.